Публицистический перевод (первый иностранный (английский) язык)

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does the english term «negligent» carry a negative connotation?
does the term «the daily routine» always carry a negative connotation?
find the english equivalent for the expression «бросать тень на…»:
find the english equivalent for the expression «двухпартийная система»:
find the english equivalent for the expression «единый образовательный стандарт»:
find the english equivalent for the expression «министерство иностранных дел великобритании»:
find the english equivalent for the expression «министр образования теневого кабинета»:
find the english equivalent for the expression «научно-исследовательская работа»:
find the english equivalent for the expression «оказывать теплый прием»:
find the english equivalent for the expression «плата за обучение»:
find the english equivalent for the expression «посол россии в японии»:
find the english equivalent for the expression «приносить плоды»
find the english equivalent for the expression «среди встречающих были ...»:
find the english equivalent for the expression «стипендия, выдаваемая в зависимости от средств семьи студента»:
find the english equivalent for the expression «уехать на родину»:
find the english equivalent for the expression «укомплектовывать штаты»:
find the english equivalent for the expression «университетская форма»:
find the english equivalent for the expression «частные платные школы»:
find the english equivalent to the expression «сверка по списку»:
find the russian equivalent for the expression «british subject»:
find the russian equivalent for the expression «former premier».
find the russian equivalent for the expression «housing minister»:
find the russian equivalent for the expression «low-interest loan»:
is it true that rheme is related to new information, while theme is related to given information?
what do the letters «cbe» stand for?
what is the base of the majority of translation methods?
what is the reason of the order «oxford and cambridge» (custom of speech) when both universities are mentioned?
which ending of the following sentence is the most appropriate: «tutor is a teacher who …»?
which exact term should be inserted into the following phrase: «…is the aim of all university students»?
which exact term should be inserted into the following phrase: «public british schools are to give … education so as their students will be able to pass exams in a level subjects»?
which exact term should be inserted into the following phrase: «the crown in great britain is …»?
which exact term should be inserted into the following phrase: «the professors and lecturers of the university are called …»?
which exact term should be inserted into the following phrase: «to test corruption in the police force, the … minister sent a lorry full of spirits on a 700-kilometer journey through the country»?
which is the first university degree?
which of the following expressions has the same meaning with the expression «to learn by rote»?
which of the following phrases explains the british term «a tutor»?
which of the following phrases has the same meaning with the phrase «to recourse to employment agencies»?
which of the following sentences has a similar meaning with the sentence «his charge against the prime minister is actionable»?
which of the following sentences has the same meaning with the sentence: «the teacher called the nominal roll»?
which sentence has the same meaning with the sentence «they have to sit preliminary examinations»?
which statement about the english word order is correct?
which term should be inserted into the following phrase: «public schools are fee … schools»?
which term should be inserted into the following phrase: «the «…» is to see that the rule to wear academic dress is obeyed»?
which term should be inserted into the sentence «in great britain … schools aren’t free, so tuition is paid by parents or sponsors»?
which term should be inserted into the sentence: «public school pupils are to be able to pass exams in a … subjects»?
which term should be inserted into the sentence: «the academic dress includes a cap, a black gown and a white …»?
which term should be inserted into the sentence: «the head of the university as a whole is …»?
which term should be inserted into the sentence: «the monarchy in great britain is not absolute but …»?
which term should be inserted into the sentence: «the «proctor» walks about the chief streets of the town, accompanied by two college servants who are known as his …»?
which term should be inserted into the sentence: «the students of the university must wear academic dress in the town streets after …»?
which terms should be inserted into the following phrase: «both in oxford and cambridge each student has … to whom he goes for …»?
which terms should be inserted into the following phrase: «due to the so called … electoral system only two … political parties may win … in the house of commons»?
which translation of the following phrase «эта школа ценит свои традиции, располагает современным оборудованием …» is exact?
which translation of the phrase «он находится с трехдневным визитом...» is correct?
which translation of the sentence «a festival in defense of siberian tigers will be held in khabarovsk on august 1» is exact?
which translation of the sentence «america’s secretary of state is meeting his spain’s counterpart in washington today» is correct?
which translation of the sentence «a new bill will be introduced in the state duma on september 1» is exact?
which translation of the sentence «a protest rally against the bill will be held in rome on november 1» is correct?
which translation of the sentence «brazil’s president sacked his minister of social security» is correct?
which translation of the sentence «he is not fit for high office» is correct?
which translation of the sentence «if the rule to wear academic dress is disobeyed several times the principal may rusticate a student» is correct?
which translation of the sentence «religion is a compulsory subject in every college» is correct?
which translation of the sentence «russian sportsmen will take part in the olympic games 2016» is exact?
which translation of the sentence «sir paul mccray, who turns 60 on tuesday, said» is correct?
which translation of the sentence «the british woke up to this problem in the 1990s.» is the best?
which translation of the sentence «the protest rally against the bill will start at 10 a.m.» is exact?
which translation of the sentence «the russian sportsman will take part in the olympic games 2016» is exact?
which translation of the sentence «the swedish runner will take part in the competition» is exact?
which translation of the sentence «the then premier of the country paid much attention to health care» is correct?
which translation of the sentence «tuition and board are paid for by sponsors» is correct?
which translation of the sentence «после военного переворота в 1999 году бывший премьер-министр пакистана был заключен в тюрьму» is correct?
which translation of the sentence «по сообщению британской газеты «таймс», 12 сентября москву с официальным визитом посетит премьер-министр великобритании» is exact?
which translation of the sentence «проект нового парка будет завешен к 20 июля» is exact?
which translation of the sentence «традиционное английское образование включает в себя единый образовательный стандарт и дисциплину» is correct?
which way to highlight the subject of the english sentence as the rheme (new information) of the message is correct?
which way to highlight the subject of the english sentence as the rheme (new information) of the message is incorrect?

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